Journal of Transformative Praxis

Journal of Transformative Praxis

The Journal of Transformative Praxis is a peer-reviewed, "Gold" open-access journal that publishes original research and review articles on transformative learning experiences that challenge assumptions and create space for informed actions.

  • Offers a platform for original research and review articles on transformative learning experiences. 
  • The journal focuses on the intersection of education, health, and societal livelihoods. It emphasizes the immediate contexts of inquiry and the importance of local settings in Asian and similar contexts that align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Publishes articles embodying participatory and practitioner-oriented action, reflection, and transformation metaphor. Researchers critically and reflexively engage with multi-epistemological approaches to contribute to this scholarly platform.
  • Welcome to the article that uses participatory action research, self-study, auto/ethnography, and other methods to revise existing observing and acting methods. It promotes applying positivist, non-positivist, mixed, and multiparadigmatic approaches. By bringing together action-informed experiences from both the Global North and Global South, JrTP aims to promote reflective practitioners who use research to drive informed change. Additionally, it addresses dilemmas arising from multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary methodological challenges, relationality, ethics, and more. 
  • Publish with us to benefit from our rigorous double-blinded peer review process, ensuring the highest standards of quality and integrity. Enjoy prompt publishing and gain global exposure for your work. Our gold open-access policy also ensures that your research is freely accessible to a worldwide audience.

JrTP is now published biannually in June and December.

|Language: English | |p-ISSN: 2717-5081e-ISSN: 2738-9529| |DOI:|

|Short name:  Jour. Tran. Prax. | | Abbreviation: JrTP |

Publisher: Kathmandu University School of Education, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal

Acceptance Rate:   30% (2020); 35% (2021); 20% (2022); 25% (2023); 35% (2024)

JrTP adheres to the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

| Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel, PhD | | Managing Editor: Niroj Dahal |

| Submission to first decision: 2 Weeks [median] | | Submission to decision: 16 Weeks [median] |


Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024


Swa-Twam-Tat Inquiry: Challenging Western-induced Epistemologies and Exploring Possibilities

Journal of Transformative Praxis, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 0-9

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