1. Is the JrTP accredited?
This journal is in the process of getting a citation index ranking. It is a Gold Open Access Journal. The authors, readers, and researchers can download papers without any fee or charge.
2. Is JrTP a peer-reviewed journal?
Yes, two national and international reviewers review the submitted papers.
3. What criteria are used to select the submitted articles?
All articles submitted to JrTP go through the first step –a plagiarism check. An article meeting in the format of JrTP will be sent to the reviewers for review.
4. When is the acceptance letter issued to the author?
Articles that pass the review criteria are issued an acceptance letter following peer reviews. It takes about 16 weeks to complete the process.
5. What copyright laws are used for publishing in the JrTP?
All articles published in JrTP are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
6. Can one author submit multiple articles for publication in JrTP?
Yes, but only one article from an author is accepted for publication in each issue.
7. Is there any publication fee?
No, JrTP does not charge any publication fee in any form. We are promoting open science.
8. Is JrTP indexed in Scopus or any other indexing entities?
JrTP is a refereed journal. It is working its way up and aims to acquire a place in international indexing platforms.
9. What is the impact factor of JrTP?
JrTP is a refereed journal. It is working its way up and aims to acquire its impact factor assessments in the near future.
10. Do you need more information?
For more information, please write to us at jrtp@kusoed.edu.np
11. Do you have feedback on JrTP?
We look forward to welcoming your views and suggestions. You can reach us at jrtp@kusoed.edu.np
12. How can I track the current status of the submitted article(s)?
You can track the status by logging in at https://www.editorialpark.com/jrtp via your user ID and password, which were used at the time of article(s) submission.
13. Can I submit articles that were published elsewhere?
No, articles must be unique and should not have been previously published.