The central purpose of the review process is to enhance the quality of the scholarship in the field of transformative education research and practice. We seek manuscripts that deal with questions around the conceptualisations and applications of models, including theories and perspectives that can enhance the field of transformative education research and practice. We invite scholars and practitioners to challenge and expand these assumptions through various forms of praxis-driven inquiry, such as participatory action research, critical policy research, critical auto/ethnography, transformative mixed methods, to name but a few.
Authors should try to eliminate language errors (other than intentional linguistic, stylistic, and rhetorical variations) in order to save the time of reviewers, editors, and copyeditors, allowing better use of that time. Manuscripts must be written and formatted by following the latest edition of the APA style (7th edition) with less than 10% of the similarity index.
JrTP publishes only original scholarly works. Please do not submit previously published work (online or in print), unless requested, and please do not submit a manuscript that you have submitted or plan to submit to another journal. As author, you are responsible for the originality, copyright permission acquisition of any material, and any issues of integrity--which you must address fully before submitting the manuscript.