Enhancing critical reflective practice in science education through a STEAM approach
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1 Tribhuvan University, Sanothimi Campus, Bhaktapur, Nepal* Corresponding Author
Journal of Transformative Praxis, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2023, 54-67, https://doi.org/10.51474/jrtp.v4i1.575
Online publication date: Aug 11, 2023
Publication date: Dec 31, 2023
Views: 92 | Downloads: 86
This article aimed to explore teachers’ beliefs on reflective practice in their professional life and envision perspectives for transforming their practice. I used auto/ethnography as a research methodology for critically reflecting on the self and others’ lived experiences of teaching science, mathematics, and technology in the context of Nepal. I explored that reflective practice is required for understanding and transforming our deep-seated dominant cultural practices. On becoming a critically reflective practitioners, we can incorporate a trans-disciplinary STEAM approach while designing and implementing a curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment system that helps understand learners’ sociocultural backgrounds, beliefs, values, assumptions, and feelings for authentic, inclusive, and meaningful learning.