Journal of Transformative Praxis

From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography
Shankar Dhakal 1 , Chet Nath Panta 2 *
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1 Edith Cowan University2 Kathmandu University* Corresponding Author
Methodological Paper

Journal of Transformative Praxis, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024, 86-94,

Online publication date: Jul 04, 2024

Publication date: Dec 31, 2024

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In-text citation: (Dhakal & Panta, 2024)
Reference: Dhakal, S., & Panta, C. N. (2024). From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography. Journal of Transformative Praxis, 5(1), 86-94.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Dhakal S, Panta CN. From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography. Journal of Transformative Praxis. 2024;5(1):86-94.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Dhakal S, Panta CN. From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography. Journal of Transformative Praxis. 2024;5(1), 86-94.
In-text citation: (Dhakal and Panta, 2024)
Reference: Dhakal, Shankar, and Chet Nath Panta. "From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography". Journal of Transformative Praxis 2024 5 no. 1 (2024): 86-94.
In-text citation: (Dhakal and Panta, 2024)
Reference: Dhakal, S., and Panta, C. N. (2024). From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography. Journal of Transformative Praxis, 5(1), pp. 86-94.
In-text citation: (Dhakal and Panta, 2024)
Reference: Dhakal, Shankar et al. "From Personal Anguish to Self-indulgence : Narcissism as a Methodological Challenge in Autoethnography". Journal of Transformative Praxis, vol. 5, no. 1, 2024, pp. 86-94.
Autoethnographic inquiry as a journey of unfolding self and others allows researchers to delve into their introspective exploration and situate them within their broader social, political, and cultural milieu. This paper explores the intricate landscapes of the research method by illuminating the role narcissism could play as a daunting methodological challenge within the research endeavor. The paper provides approaches to address those methodological challenges of self-indulgence and biased subjectivity to enhance the validity and rigor of the research by emphasising the importance of critical reflexivity, self-critique, and the incorporation of diverse perspectives wherever and whenever possible. In so doing, it seeks to contribute to the ongoing scholarly discourse surrounding the advantages, constraints, and credibility of autoethnography as a legitimate method of inquiry.
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