Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of Public Speaking Anxiety in English Language Classroom
Journal of Transformative Praxis, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024, 54-64, https://doi.org/10.51474/jrtp/15760
Online publication date: Jul 04, 2024
Publication date: Dec 31, 2024
Views: 192 | Downloads: 179
This study explored the undergraduate students’ experiences and perceptions on public speaking in English language classroom. Public speaking competence is demonstrated not only in academic setting but also in professional endeavors. Many students seem nervous and highly stressed while delivering oral presentation in front of the class. In this context, the paper attempted to answer the factors affecting public speaking from the perspectives of undergraduate students. I adopted qualitative research approach to collect the data through the lens of interpretive paradigm under narrative inquiry. Four research participants were purposively selected from two different private colleges of Kathmandu valley. I collected data through semi-structured interview. To support my research study, I use Vygotsky’s social cultural theory. Findings revealed that the main causes behind public speaking anxiety in English language classroom are fear of being judged, mistakes, self-body image, physical appearance, communication apprehension and non-conducive teaching and learning environment. Undergraduate students are positive towards public speaking realizing its huge importance, but they lack a conducive learning environment to practice and enhance it. This study offers insights to teachers, students, public speaking experts, policymakers, and curriculum designers about public speaking anxiety and its coping strategies. Overall, the study may add knowledge to the ELT community regarding the causes of public speaking anxiety from the perspectives of undergraduate students.
I am grateful to UGC (University Grants Commission), Nepal for providing me MPhil fellowship. My sincere gratitude to reviewers for their constructive feedback and valuable suggestions. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Editorial team of Journal of Transformative Praxis for acknowledging my research paper.