Journal of Transformative Praxis

Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections
Pushpa Kumari Sunar 1 *
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1 Kathmandu University School of Education, Lalitpur, Nepal* Corresponding Author
Original Article

Journal of Transformative Praxis, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024, 65-75,

Online publication date: Jul 04, 2024

Publication date: Dec 31, 2024

Views: 562 | Downloads: 91

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In-text citation: (Sunar, 2024)
Reference: Sunar, P. K. (2024). Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections. Journal of Transformative Praxis, 5(1), 65-75.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Sunar PK. Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections. Journal of Transformative Praxis. 2024;5(1):65-75.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Sunar PK. Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections. Journal of Transformative Praxis. 2024;5(1), 65-75.
In-text citation: (Sunar, 2024)
Reference: Sunar, Pushpa Kumari. "Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections". Journal of Transformative Praxis 2024 5 no. 1 (2024): 65-75.
In-text citation: (Sunar, 2024)
Reference: Sunar, P. K. (2024). Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections. Journal of Transformative Praxis, 5(1), pp. 65-75.
In-text citation: (Sunar, 2024)
Reference: Sunar, Pushpa Kumari "Touching the Lives of Learners from Head to Soul: An Autoethnographic Reflections". Journal of Transformative Praxis, vol. 5, no. 1, 2024, pp. 65-75.
Teaching has become one of the most complex professions globally due to the need for learners in the changing world. The current need of learners is focused on developing 21st-century skills rather than rote memorizing. However, in the case of Nepal, the pedagogical practice is still dominated by a teacher-centric approach focused on technical interests (For example, the Banking model, lecture method, and one-size-fits-all) in most schools. Thus, making learners passive and disengaged in the learning process. Hence, this paper aims to advocate for a shift in the pedagogical practices from technical to critical. Using autoethnography, I critically reflected on my 17 years of experience in education as a teacher, teacher educator, and school leader through the lens of Habermas’ theory of human interest and Mezirow’s transformative learning theory. My story is characterized by perseverance, self-realization, and transformation as I began to play the role of a change agent to advocate critical pedagogy. I have presented my stories in three sections with some art integration (Poem): 1. How I became a teacher, and what kept me going? 2. What poked me to change my despotic teaching self? 3. Why and how am I advocating critical pedagogy? This study recommends that all teachers and educators critically reflect on their practices to transform their pedagogical practices from teacher-centric to learner-centric and create a holistic learning environment.
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I want to acknowledge that a specific part of this paper was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Transformative Educational Research and Sustainable Development (4-6 November 2022). Also, I am grateful to my mentors, Prof Bal Chandra Luitel, Niroj Dahal, and Indra Mani Yamphu, for motivating and guiding me in shaping this paper.