Journal of Transformative Praxis

Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?
Shree Krishna Wagle 1 *
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1 Kathmandu University School of Education, Lalitpur, Nepal* Corresponding Author
Original Article

Journal of Transformative Praxis, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2022, 9-24,

Online publication date: Jun 30, 2022

Publication date: Dec 31, 2022

Views: 102 | Downloads: 85

How to cite this article
In-text citation: (Wagle, 2022)
Reference: Wagle, S. K. (2022). Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?. Journal of Transformative Praxis, 3(1), 9-24.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Wagle SK. Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?. Journal of Transformative Praxis. 2022;3(1):9-24.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Wagle SK. Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?. Journal of Transformative Praxis. 2022;3(1), 9-24.
In-text citation: (Wagle, 2022)
Reference: Wagle, Shree Krishna. "Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?". Journal of Transformative Praxis 2022 3 no. 1 (2022): 9-24.
In-text citation: (Wagle, 2022)
Reference: Wagle, S. K. (2022). Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?. Journal of Transformative Praxis, 3(1), pp. 9-24.
In-text citation: (Wagle, 2022)
Reference: Wagle, Shree Krishna "Towards Participatory Worldview in Education and Research: A Philosophical Inquiry on the Question- Why Participatory?". Journal of Transformative Praxis, vol. 3, no. 1, 2022, pp. 9-24.
This article portrays the author’s philosophical inquiry on the prospects of a participatory worldview in education and research. To this, the author begins his inquiry process, reflecting upon his own personal/ professional shift from rational (analytical) academician to the transformative educational practitioner. The reflection further depicts his continuous growth as a participatory researcher. Reflecting upon his personal/ professional journey, which is parallel to the spiral of human civilization from participatory to (post)positivist to constructivist to transformative to participatory again, the author makes philosophical observation at genealogical progression (spiral) of participatory worldview both in the East and the West. Also, the author observes current developments in the field of quantum science and renders how such developments have paved manifold ways for a participatory worldview in Social Science, particularly in education and research.